Imagine Beyond
Format: Docu-Series
Broadcaster: Tomorrow Unlocked
Director: Ross Bolidai
In this documentary series that we developed and produced for Tomorrow Unlocked we Imagine Beyond to a future where society, and what it means to be human, could be radically changed by technology. Will this be for the better, or for the worse? And what are the challenges, both scientific and moral, we’ll face along the way?
Across the series we explored topics such as radical life extension, cryonics, AI and sex robots by finding real human stories connected to the tech as well as interviewing world leading thought leaders including Nick Bostrom, Roanne Van Voorst, Dr Anders Sandberg, Dr David Levy & Dr Steven Laurys.
To date the series has over 5 million organic views, and Episode 2, ‘Who Wants To Live Forever?’ is the most successful film ever created for the channel.
WINNER: Best Documentary - Brand Film Awards
‘Great concept and strategy and excellent execution. Great videos, great storytelling. The next level.‘
- PR Week